Friday, September 3, 2010

More Neupogen Goodness

Andrew was getting shots of neupogen every other day this week, so his white blood cell counts were through the roof again yesterday. His white blood cell count was at 16.3, 10 times that of last week, and his neutrophils were at 14.7, almost 25 times last week. His hemoglobin level remained steady, and his platelets fell slightly, to 161,000. That seems to happen when he is on neupogen.

The doctors want him to take two shots this week, on Sunday and Wednesday, and we will be back at U of M hospital Friday. Hopefully the blood count results will give us a better idea of whether this will work, and how long before we can start reducing his cyclosporin dose. In the meantime, we are spending Labor Day weekend in Caseville.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news! Hope you had a great time in Caseville - you deserve it, and more! Love, Lisa