Friday, December 17, 2010

Andrew's Counts Down, Medication Reduction Delayed

Andrew's blood counts have gone down over the past four weeks, so the doctors don't feel he is ready to start weening off of the medication. He had a blood draw last Monday at Beaumont(we didn't get the results until a couple days ago) and another one at U of M today. His absolute neutrophil count(ANC), the one the doctors are now watching most closely, dropped from 2200 four weeks ago to 1400 at Beaumont to 1000 today. They want him to sustain an ANC of at least 1500 for four weeks before reducing medication. His white blood cell count has also dropped from 3.0 to 2.6 to 2.0 over this time span.

Andrew will have a lab draw just after New Years, and another visit at U of M on January 14. If his ANC stays consistently below 1500, they may increase his medication. We are hopeful that his numbers come back up before the next appointment.

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