Monday, May 23, 2011

Andrew Responds to Cold

Andrew had a cold last week, then got pink eye last Wednesday. He got some drops from his pediatrician, and it cleared up on Thursday. On Friday we took him to U of M for his six week blood count and checkup with the doctors. His white blood cell counts were on the high side of normal ranges, meaning his immune system was responding the way it should to a cold, by producing large amounts of white blood cells and neutrophils. The doctors were encouraged by this and reduced his medication again, to two .7 mL doses per day. They also gave him some amoxicillin to help with his cold. We are still on schedule to have his port and central line removed this Friday, with a tentative time of 9:45AM. They will finalize the time when they call us the day before the surgery.

1 comment:

jmillewitz said...

That's Great news guys!!! missed you this weekend, but am very excited Andrew is doing so well!