Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's been a while....

Hi all. I know it's been a few months since we have posted anything....sorry...busy summer! Andrew is doing well. He has been to U of M every three weeks this summer for either a blood draw or a doctor's visit. So far his numbers have stayed steady except for his neutrophil count which seems to be dropping. The doctor has not reduced his medication all summer because of this. The doctors are keeping a close watch on this number just in case it drops further.

The good news for Andrew is that he is able to go to school, which starts on Monday. He will be in kindergarten at Living Word. He is very excited! We ask that you keep Andrew in your prayers as he starts school and is exposed to more people. Pray that he stays healthy and does not have to miss too much school!


Colleen said...

The Berry's are saying prayers for Andrew...we can't wait to hear how his first day of school goes!

Suzie Martin said...

Yea! First day of school! Woot! Woot! God bless Andrew and his extended family. Suzie & Vic