Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yesterday at the Hospital

We took Andrew to the hospital yesterday, and things got a little hectic. His platelets went up again, from 26,000 to 38,000, but his white blood cells and nuetrophils are still low. Because the doctors are worried about an infection wrecking the progress he has made so far, they decided to start giving him neupogen to stimulate white blood cell and neutrophil growth. The neupogen needs to be given to Andrew in the form of daily injections, so we had to be trained on how to inject him at home. This concluded with me having to inject my instructor in the stomach, which wasn't awkward at all.

After that, we had to deal with getting the neupogen. The hospital requires prior authorization from the insurance provider before they will fill it, because the neupogen is so expensive($6850 for a 30 day dose). Erin and I had to make several phone calls to make sure that everyone moved it along, so it would only be a few hour process. It was finally approved, and we were able to head back home. Even though Andrew didn't need any transfusions, we were there for almost as long as we have ever been.

Andrew's first injection last night went well for the most part, and hopefully today will even be a little easier. Because Andrew is out of the multiple transfusion per week risk, he only has to go in once a week now instead of twice. He will now go in only on Fridays.

Andrew is doing well. We just got back from Yiayia and Papou's pool, where he has been four times this week. He is swimming across the pool without any help. He has also found a new friend in the Wii lately. He is getting quite good at Wii Sports.


Colleen said...

Thanks for the updates! Sounds like you are taking the best care of him. I'm glad Andrew is spending time playing in the pool;). Hope all of the Miller's are having a fun summer!

Ann said...

Dearest family,
Thank you so much for your faithfulness to completing this blog, even though you have a lot on your plates. We pray for you daily and know that you will have the strength to continue this journey with your Shepherd leading day by day. It sounds like
Andrew is quite a trooper. We love you, Scott, Ann, Margaret, Christian

Unknown said...

wow! just had a chance to check in to find out how andrew has been doing and it sounds like he is doing awesome! i will continue to pray for andrew and the rest of your family. - chrissy :-)