Monday, June 14, 2010

Andrew's Platelets Go Up

More good news on the day after the great blood drive. Andrew's platelet level went up from Friday on its own. On Friday it was at 14,000, and today it was 17,000. This is the first time it has gone up without a transfusion involved since mid April.

While the rise is small, and it is still a far cry from a normal level of 200,000, this is a very encouraging sign. It looks like his marrow is producing cells at more significant levels. Also, it has now been two full weeks since his last transfusion, and infused platelets don't really last that long, meaning the platelets he has now should be of his own making. It really seems like we are seeing progress already.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Praise God! We love you Andrew. The Dobers

Anonymous said...

Oh this is great news. !!! Ah the power of prayer! Please know he (and your family)are at the top of our prayer chain!!
So happy to hear the Blood Drive was so successful!
Mark and Robin Vanderkaay

Linda Eastman said...

We have been following Andrew's case closely and are very encouraged by the latest news. It is also a comfort to know that we belong to such a caring, proactive congregation. Through sweet little Andrew's challenge, it has motivated our church to show our Christian love and compassion in tangible ways. God bless your family as you meet each new day with hope and faith.
Love, Jay and Linda Eastman