Sunday, June 13, 2010

Marrow and Blood Drives a Success

Today were the bone marrow and blood drives at Living Word. We expected a big turnout since the blood drive appointments filled up days ago, but we never imagined the turnout would be as big as it was. The Red Cross started before the scheduled 8AM start time, and it looked like every donation bed was full until 4, two hours after the scheduled closing time. Some people waited almost three hours to donate blood. The marrow registry center was equally busy all day long. We will find out the official donation and registry numbers in the next couple of days, and we expect them to be impressive.

Erin and I would like to thank everyone involved in any way with the drives today. We appreciate all who donated or joined the registry, and the dozens of volunteers who helped run the two drives. We never had a shortage of volunteers at any point in the day. Thanks to the Red Cross volunteers who ran the blood drive. They had such a big line to donate that they never had a moment to rest throughout the day. Also, thank you to all who signed the banner and cards for Andrew. He liked them so much that he had us hang them in his bedroom. Thank you to those who organized the drives, helped set everything up, posted fliers and sent out emails. And most of all, thank you Joyce, who kept things organized amid the chaos that was going on. Everything ran much more smoothly than it should have given the turnout.

Erin and I really appreciate, and have been overwhelmed by, the support we have gotten from everyone throughout this process so far. Today was more than we ever could have asked. We can't thank everyone enough. Thank you for the time and effort that each one of you gave today.

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