Sunday, February 13, 2011

Some Good News and Some Bad News

On Friday, Chris took Andrew to U of M for a checkup. The results from Andrew's blood work showed that his numbers have stayed the same from last time. Therefore, Andrew's medication has been reduced a little bit more. So we are steadily in medication reduction mode.

This was the good news.

Now for the bad news. Last night, Saturday, Andrew was spending the night at his grandparents house. We received a phone call around 9:00 that Andrew had a temperature of 102 degrees. We called the on-call oncologists at U of M and she told us we needed to take Andrew into the nearest ER. Chris met my mom at Troy Beaumont. At this point, the on-call doctor at U of M had contacted Troy Beaumont, so they knew Andrew was coming. When Andrew arrived, he had a temperature over 104 degrees. He tried taking some Tylenol, but threw up right afterwards. Andrew was brought to a room where they ran a series of tests. They tested his blood, port, and urine for different infections. They also tested for influenza. All tests results came back negative. Therefore, they determined that Andrew is trying to fight off a virus. The doctor gave Andrew some antibiotics through his port and then we were able to come home. Andrew woke up the next morning with a fever, so we have been treating it with Tylenol and Motrin. Andrew has been resting all day. Hopefully, he will feel better tomorrow!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I hope Andrew is all better by now.