Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Visit Without Transfusion

Another encouraging day at the hospital today. For the second visit in a row, Andrew's red blood cell and platelet levels were high enough to go home without having to do a transfusion. It will now be at least 10 days between transfusions for him. For the month before, he never went more than four without one.

His platelet level was at 17,000,down from 30,000 on Friday. To put it in perspective, the week before, he went from 47,000 post-transfusion on Friday to 7,000 the following Tuesday.

Andrew should only be on his current dose of steroids for another week or so, then they will ween him off of them over the following couple of weeks. This is good, because he is getting dangerously close to needing size 6 clothes. He was comfortably in size 4 before the steroid treatment started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news! Love you guys! See you Sunday!

Auntie Shelayne

P.S. Face :)