Friday, June 11, 2010

Some great news....

We were in Ann Arbor today with Andrew. We had lots of great news today. First, Andrew did not need a platelet or blood transfusion. His platelets are down, a little, to 14,000. This is a borderline number, but the doctors felt we could wait until Monday to transfuse. The doctors were encouraged by this two week stretch without a transfusion, but still want to see number trends before saying the treatment is working. Second, Andrew can go off steroids, which means he will, hopefully, shrink back down to "normal" four-year-old size. Third, the doctor mentioned they have a few people off the bone marrow registry who would be possible matches for Andrew in case he needs a bone marrow transplant. So we left Ann Arbor today feeling hopeful and excited. Praise God for some great news.


Pam Brockdorf said...

That is wonderful news. We will keep praying!! It works!!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the little guy:)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news, Erin and Chris! Two of my boys just found out that they may be possible matches for a marrow transplant for a little girl - under the age of one. So many wonderful things happen when people come together for others! Hugs to the three little ones. Love, Lisa

Colleen said...

It's great to hear the good news!!

Heather said...

That is fantastic!!!

The Grabers said...

so so so amazing!!! thank you JESUS!!!!

Beth said...

Erin and happy to hear the great news!