Monday, May 17, 2010

Fourth Treatment, Sixth Platelet Transfusion

Day four of treatment is halfway finished, and Andrew has shown no real reaction to the Thymoglobulin so far. While there is the possibility of a reaction still, the doctors say that the chance now is very unlikely. If there is no reaction, fever, or infection of any kind that develops, we should be discharged sometime Wednesday, and going back home.

Tonight, Andrew will need another platelet transfusion. They are trying to keep his platelet level elevated above 40 during treatment; hence the frequent transfusions. Once we go home, they will only transfuse if the level dips below 10.

Chris and Erin are taking turns working; Erin is at work today, Chris will work tomorrow. It is somewhat back to normal life after this crazy last week. There will still be an adjustment period, and Andrew will still be coming back three times a week for checkups and procedures. But at least everyone will be back together as we move on to the next phase in this treatment.


Kassens said...

Home! It will be wonderful when you guys can all be together again.

jmillewitz said...

Yeah!!! going home!

Anonymous said...

Dear Erin and Chris,
I have been following Andrew's blog very closely (Heather passed it along) and want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how hard all of this is on Andrew and your family, but hang in there.
Timo will be getting tested to see if he is a possible match.
in PKE, Jessica