Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Andrew has recently developed a fever. They took a blood culture because they are worried he has some sort of virus or bacterial infection. Andrew is quarantined to his room for the next 24 hours while they rule out a few things. Everyone on his floor is considered immuno-compromised (including himself) so he needs to stay away from everyone else. They have given him a wide-ranging antibiotic to fight whatever is attacking his system right now.


Beth said...

Erin and Chris

Scott and I are thinking of all of you and keeping Andrew in our thoughts and prayers! What a strong little boy! Sending our love.

Beth and Scott Grady

Tina said...

Chris and Erin
You are often in my thoughts and always in my prayers. Your strength is incredible
Much love,
Aunt Tina

Anonymous said...

:( My heart goes out to you both and your entire family. I have been praying for Andrew constantly. This must be so hard. The strength and love you have as a family is deep. It will get you through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you daily.

God bless,
Sandy Sandusky

Colemans said...

We hope it helps somehow to know that we, along with so many, are keeping Andrew and all of you in our prayers. God is faithful and will carry you all through this difficult time according to His will.