Monday, May 10, 2010


Today didn't go as planned. We received a phone call early this morning saying the U of M doctor we were supposed to consult with was sick. They wanted us to reschedule for Friday. We insisted Andrew needed his blood levels checked. We went to Beaumont for a blood draw and found that Andrew's platelets were at 7,000 (normal levels are about 200,000), and his white and red blood cell counts were lower than ever. The doctors at Beaumont were able to contact U of M and get Andrew admitted into Motts. We are at Motts right now waiting for a platelet transfusion. Tomorrow he will need a port put surgically into one of his larger veins. On Wednesday they will start the medicinal therapy, and we will be here approximately five more days.

1 comment:

Pam and Greg said...

Hope all goes well this week. Praying for you, The Brockdorfs