Monday, May 10, 2010

A Long First Night

It is about 10PM, and there is still much to do tonight. Andrew had a platelet transfusion, and is about one hour into a three hour blood transfusion. An hour after that is finished, they will do another blood count. If the platelet level is still below 50 (and they suspect it will be) they will give him a second platelet transfusion. Provided they can finish that and get in yet another blood count before 7:30 tomorrow morning, they will take him in for the operation to install the port. If not, they will wait until Wednesday for the operation, and push back the start of the treatment until Thursday.

To make things harder on Andrew, they just gave hime three different antibiotics. I think he is finished with all medical science for today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little less demanding on him.

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