Friday, May 28, 2010

Bone Marrow and Blood Drive for Andrew

Here is the flier for the bone marrow and blood drive for Andrew on June 13, from 8AM- 2PM. We ask that all of you consider joining the bone marrow registry and giving blood if you feel comfortable doing so. Please feel free to print this flier out and post it in places of business, schools, restaurants, and other areas that will help get the word out.

If you are interested in giving blood at this blood drive, please make an appointment on the American Red Cross website here. Click on make an appointment. You will be prompted to create a login profile to sign up for a time. You DO NOT need an appointment to join the bone marrow registry.

They are currently searching the bone marrow registry for a match for Andrew. If the immunosuppressive therapy doesn't work, Andrew will need a bone marrow transplant. Andrew has needed two blood transfusions and almost ten platelet transfusions so far, with many more to come before this is over. Each platelet transfusion supply for Andrew is made from three blood donations, and for an adult, each one is made from five donations.

Therefore, we ask friends and family to help us pay back the American Red Cross and the National Marrow Donor Program, because I don't think Erin and I have enough blood in our bodies to do it ourselves.

Thank you in advance for helping out.

Bone Marrow and Blood Drive

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